Sunday, March 23, 2008

Scholarship For Students With Amblyopia

The future as told by John Titor

Oggi guardavo delle puntate di Voyager e ho visto questa incredibile storia di un uomo, un soldato che affermava di venire dall'anno 2036, mandato indietro nel tempo per compiere una missione.
Per chi non avesse mai sentito parlare di questa storia posto tutti i filmati di voyager presi da "youtube".
La storia che racconta questo misterioso ragazzo, somiglia a quella del movie "Terminator", without ovvimante robot.
I recommend you take a look at these videos:

do not know, I stay with Benfica of doubt that is the truth or not?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hypothyroid And Blemishes

Malware increasingly insidious

Often surf the web you come across malware, and perhaps many do not know who to infect other systems need only connect a usb device type.
Let me explain, imagine you have a computer infected with malware, and you have documents you need to go into your usb stick because you vusalizzarli on other pc. What happens to your key when you make the link in the infected machine? Some viruses are replicated on all devices connected to the hidden mode, writing the infected file is usually exe (chissaà what OS is it?) And an autorun file, so that when the key will be on a collegiate 'another computer, the infection will start automatically.
I recommend to best protect the system to use the antivirus and keep it updated, install a software firewall and if you have a router with integrated firewall that also better to best configure, install an anti-spyware and keep it constantly updated, remember that any process or service not explicitly allowed must be explicitly blocked.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Monica Roccaforte Touching

But where they take technicians easter egg? Software

But I say, but the engineers of the telephone companies where they take them? But they do expect Easter eggs discard them and are taking them? Then they wonder why people complain about repeated poor service? Easy enough to talk with some of them to understand.
In these days of computers I handsomely appointed for a construction company, is a technician and brings the new router (as they call it), the white pearl with integrated wi-fi, (the day before he had gone to configure the new router (toy) and its network,
with very positive results (did not work any more, the Internet has connected a new machine installed completely devoid of any protection with the obvious consequence of the viruses that have entered and the damages that the customer has suffered.
One of the discussions that arise during implementation of a network, are the provisions that are used (modem router firewall etc swich
.... I can tell you that I have learned many useful things that you list them:
- router permette il collegamento di due soli computer tra cui uno cablato e uno wirless.
- i router che danno in comodato d'uso sono ottimi e si devono configurare(ma cosa si deve configurare in un router che ha 2 opzioni)
- se in alternativa volete prendere un router professionale prendete i netgear(buoni) e scartate i cisco(professionali) che non sono buoni.
- non ho capito dove voleva configurare il firewall ma sinceramente èro già ubriaco delle barzellete che mi raccontava ed ho continuato a lavorare.
Premetto che non tutti i tecnici delle compagnie telefoniche sono così, ma una buona parte ha la dote della presunzione, nella perfetta ignoranza e pensare che queste persone vengono a casa nostra a fare dei lavori e si prendono un lot of money which are then charged in the bill, it makes me shudder.
If the phone companies by qualified staff for various sectors, spending less money on advertising and did the course of a given thickness technicians maybe we would all be less problems.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Humira Crohn's Disease

owner! Firmware

Many people wonder why the proprietary systems (usually developed by companies), have safety problems and everything 'else.
not want to believe that all developers are unable, as I will not believe it's a marketing strategy, it is still doubt and the fact that usually the major problems are found on software systems di vasto utilizzo che sono proprietari.
Io credo, che avere in mano un monopolio del mercato mette particolare pressione nei tempi di sviluppo per il lancio di una nuova piattaforma, rivalendosi così sulla qualità del prodotto stesso, che poi viene introdotto sul mercato in versione definitiva ma tutta da testare.
Questo businness del primo arrivato ad introdurre la novità in versione definitiva ma da testare(a pagamento), rende estremamente insicuro e stressante l'utilizzo del software.
Mi auguro che questa battaglia tra grosse aziende di sviluppo finisca, tutto a guadagno di noi utenti finali.