Friday, December 31, 2010

Elbow Swollen And Stiff

My best wishes to you all for a peaceful year, cheerful, bubbly and full full of satisfaction!

NEWS: have been included in the Library of Congress in Washington the 25 films salvati wear of time, and some restored, with the intent to preserve the cultural and artistic heritage of American cinema. The idea was born from the need to restore the films of some masterpieces of world cinema: Many of the films made around the 50s are likely to be forgotten and in fact already 90% of films dating from the twenties of the film are now gone missing. For this reason, the National Film Registry, which is also part of Martin Scorsese con la sua società, ha deciso di restaurare ogni anno 25 pellicole che entrano così di diritto nel patrimonio storico, culturale ed estetico degli Stati Uniti.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bmi Data Females 2-20

Cuori handmade per un'amica.

CANZONE: "Right Now & Right Here " Keren Ann
NOTIZIA: "Per fare l’imprenditore nel casertano, bisogna superare evidenti ostacoli. Manca un quadro di riferimento chiaro, un modello di sviluppo. E c’è l’ingerenza della camorra". Là dove lo smaltimento dei rifiuti is a continuous emergency here as good examples that spring to Antonio Diana, owner of Erreplast, a company that recycles plastic bottles since 1997 and has received the award as Legambiente environmentalist of 2010.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hack For Cube Feild Facebook

Yes my house there is also a basket of teddy bears ... for when the grandchildren!

SONG: "If A Song Could Get Me You" Marit Larsen
NEWS: The survey of the Observatory on Sustainable Mobility Euromobility Association, under the patronage of the Ministry Environment examined 50 Italian cities from 2008 to today. After years of relentless growth, decreases the number of cars per inhabitant: there are now 60.78 cars per 100 inhabitants, increase self Euro IV and Euro V to replace 39.4% of the sample. Turin proves to be the greenest city with 2.6% of Euro Car V.

Ap Bio Dna Fingerprinting Lab

very welcome gift!

NEWS: Like every year, Science - one of the best scientific journals renowned in the world - ranking public delle scoperte più importanti dell'anno. Tra queste, la scoperta più eclatante interessa la fisica dell’infinitamente piccolo e le leggi della fisica quantistica. A seguire la biologia di sintesi che ha aperto nuovi scenari nello studio del DNA, le terapie contro l'AIDS, la riprogrammazione delle cellule e il ritorno del ratto in laboratorio.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots Pittsburgh

Le feste, ma soprattutto le abbuffate, mi hanno sfiancato. Oggi pieno relax!

CANZONE: "Those words " Awa Ly
NOTIZIA: Un parto canino da record: ben 17 cuccioli nati dalla stessa gravidanza. E’ successo a Etana, un Rodhesian ridgeback, in Germania, nei pressi di Berlino. Otto femmine e nove maschi. Sono tutti nati di parto naturale, non è stato necessario alcun cesareo, ma sono servite ben 26 ore per farli uscire tutti. Ecco i loro nomi: Bahati, Binta, Bahya, Bashima, Batouuli, Bink, Bora, Bisa per le femmine. Baakir, Banjoku, Belay, Bruk, Bundy, Bayo, Bukekayo, Biton e Bulus per i maschi. Sono tutti nomi africani, in omaggio all’origine di questa razza.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Brazilian Waxing In Toronyo

E anche il Natale 2010 è passato... e i regali che ho ricevuto mi sono piaciuti tutti!!!

NEWS: The Miracle of Monique: Paralympic athlete who has found his legs.
The young Dutch 26 years to recover use of his legs after ten years in a wheelchair for an event that even for some men of science has a name: Miracle. Monique has started, slowly, to regain use of his legs, then to walk. And touching her dream to go to the Games, but as an athlete 'normally' clever.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Gold Plating Power Supply

A Happy Christmas to all you! ... And now I'm going to unwrap the gifts ...

SONG: "Christmas Song" Coldplay

Friday, December 24, 2010

Titanic Birthday Party

A Good eve to all! I run to cook. Tonight we eat by myself! And I have not finished wrapping gifts ...

NEWS: the Bic Cristal turns 60, the ballpoint pen has become a cult object transparent enough to be exposed to the Moma in New York and the Pompidou in Paris. Launched in France between 1950 and '51, the Biro is named after its inventor, Baron Marcel Bich, who purchase 'and rework' patent for a ballpoint pen by Hungarian Laszlo Biro. Immediate commercial success: 10 thousand pieces per day on average during the first year. Today it sells in 160 countries, millions of copies a day.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Floating Arm Trebuchet Design Free

Christmas 2010

Happy christmas to you ! - Buon natale
Questo anno ho trasformato così il mio PC grazie a temi natalizi Ubuntu
Desktop cubo con neve e panorama (fai da te) Login natalizio con logo a babbonatale (download qui )

E c'e anche un tema per beril scaricabile da qui

Per gli utenti di windows invece:


 E logicamente il video dei 3 porcellini in versione natalizia

Adesso non mi rimane altro che augurarvi ... Buon natale e felice anno nuovo!

Guest Charge Pro 2608 Manual

Linux enthusiasts windows

Per gli appassionati di windows che non riescono staccarsi da questo o.s. per la sua facilità, ma sono curiosi del mondo gnu-linux, I suggest some distro.
The first, Linux-xp is in fact a very GNU-Linux distribution resembling xp but with same functions (or almost)
The second, less powerful machines, like xp Puppy distro based on Puppy is a very functional and lightweight, Hungarian-born
Last but not least, ylmf of Chinese origin-based Ubuntu, resembling functional
So do not worry, just try. Good luck and see you soon!
------------------------------------------------- ------
Linux-xp Official site: Official site
Puppy like xp: puppy-431-Inglese-version /? category = puplets/xplike-puppy-431-english-version / Official site
Video Demonstration puppy like xp:

What Do They Sing At Darts

Reload induction: Duracell MyGrid

you know all the induction cookers , qelli that do not use gas, but using the current.
Instead, the induction charging is a method of charging devices, as no need for wires, is impractical and can charge up to 4 devices at a time.
The price, however, even if the top is justifiable from the new use of technology. Meanwhile
can charge many devices, such as:
  • Nintendo DS Lite / i (case-adapter)
  • Alcuni cellulari nokia (custodia)
  • Alcuni cellulari samsung (custodia)
  • iPhone -iPod -iPad (custodia)
  • I dispositivi dotati di mini usb (adattatore universale)
  • I dispositivi dotati di micro usb (adattatore universale)
  • Ecc. (in continuo aumento)
Quindi per questa nuova tecnologia è meglio attendere ancora un po' per i prezzi, però se utilizzati bene possono tornare utili:
  1. Integrano funzioni di risparmio energetico
  2. Possono caricare più objects simultaneously
  3. not use cables
  4. They use a single power
  5. are safe because people in contact with coins or are disabled, then resume charging
totally abandons hope that technology becomes better and more accessible, I wish you good refills.
----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------

Nadine Jansen -milena Velba

Samantha got a basket.

NEWS: He had received a bill from a cent by Enel and had decided not to have to pay. But faced with a subsequent request, decided to go to the post office to pay. It 'happened to a casaliga of Cagliari at which the debt and mini' side after all 'dear': a euro cent and 1.10 per Enelenergia euor postal fees. The lady remains an unresolved question: how much to Enelenergia a bill calling for the payment of a penny?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What To Bring Sailboat

I was running out of ribbons and bows for gift packages. I have to run to be provided!

SONG: "It's Not Easy To Be Me David Grey
NEWS: From January 1, 2011 the Ministry of Cultural Heritage (the Mibac) offers free entry to the Italian and European citizens in your birthday. To find out where you can go to museums, archeological sites, state archives, abbeys, libraries and villas, you can visit the full list divided by cities, regions and in alphabetical order on the website of the Ministry of Culture .


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What To Do When My Finger Injure

The charm is in spite of the day is gray, cold and gloomy!

NEWS: Haifa has decided to launch a message of peace and solidarity, a message addressed to the conscience of all environmental, building a sustainable Christmas tree, made of 5,480 recycled plastic bottles and lighted LED.
Congratulations to Mary Magdalene!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Nordic Track Audiostrider 600 Elliptical

Roberto brought us sandwiches raisins.

SONG: "Baby I'm A Fool" Melody Gardot
NEWS: Agenda passport is The new online service, free of charge, made by the State Police in cooperation with the Institute Mint State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "which will make the request to file the document only a memory." From today, the city with this service may apply for a passport by filling out the request on to the Web by registering on the site .

How To Prevent Thongs From Peeking

ARToolKit and Arzoo

ARToolkit is a software to create programs or games augmented reality (AR, Augmented Reality) .
What is augmented reality? Augmented reality is the superposition of information layers to the real everyday. The elements that "increase" the reality may be added through a mobile device, as a next-generation mobile phones (eg. the iPhone or a phone) or a PC with a webcam.
Today, in fact I wanted a program to offer free phones called Arzoo and runs on Windows Mobile devices. I have created an archive of all downloadable from here : The installer for mobile phones, markers and a version for PC is not working:-D. There's this one for PC instead using other markers:
Have fun with your virtual friends!

Stock Arzo do it myself:
Flash version:

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dog Dies Quickly After Vomiting Blood

all leave a trace.

NEWS: Christmas in the fridge and 'the crazy experience that they are living two French , and prepare for their expedition to the North Pole - scheduled between March and April 2012 - have been detained for nine days, 17 to 25 December, in a large cold room at -25 degrees, made available to them by a private group in Britain. Julien Le Cabon and Alan Tressoler so wish 'to test their endurance and their equipment.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How To Remove Popcorn Butter From Clothes

Curious to Nini among the decorations.

NEWS: An American woman of 44 years became totally incapable of experiencing any form of fear and danger and implement strategies for defense or escape. Responsible for this "courage" is an alteration of the amygdala, the brain area where the lurking fears. According to scientists who have analyzed the case "is quite remarkable that the woman is still alive."

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Metlife Short Term Disability Maternity

This will become a pillow.

SONG: "The Man Who Can not Be Moved The Script
NEWS: Match the Soyuz with Italian Nespoli, Italian astronaut facing the first six months on the International Space Station.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Birth Control Shortness Of Breath Cause

I'm very very late with the Christmas decorations .

NEWS: The gray wolf is no longer extinction in the United States. Indeed, it is so good that it can back to hunt him down. At least someone in Washington thinks so. According to a report in the Huffington Post, in fact, an employee of the Department of the Interior admitted that the federal government will launch a proposal to remove the gray wolf from the endangered species by April, hoping to see it adopted by the end of 2011.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Irshad Manji Biography

Today I make my aunt full time.

NEWS: Toys antique dolls as well as modern as the 'Barbie'. And then stuffed teddy bears and dogs: In Naples, in Via San Biagio dei Booksellers, there is a 'hospital' just for them, organized like a real hospital, with 'doctors' in white coats working on painstaking reconstruction. In this laboratory, built by Luigi Grassi, the end of 1800 artisans are concerned about the health of the dolls, one of those routes, and the other the toy