Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why Does Intestinal Gas Hurt

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Where Can I Buy Supra Shoes In Kansas City?

And today, after exactly one year, my blog is closed and with immense gratitude that I greet you. All! No exceptions!
A big thank you to Federica for its availability and its sugar paste (I hope sooner or later I get home as if by magic a package with its sweets); Zucky often a source of inspiration; Simo to bursting sympathy from every pore, for Adamus good runner that has always been by my side in time of need "technological" and, in Beta for his imagination to Mammalella that her daughter "Ariel" I always got a smile on Dario - Maurizio - Joseph - Antonio Laura that with their beautiful photos I have opened our eyes to Gao and his family adventures; to Silvia Mara Daria and that their creations with me made me want to manuals; a great Martina volleyball full of life (and then has great hair!) to Kylie always present; to 3 of Cucinacalycanthus I hope soon to know (live just a few miles away, although they are always walking around) to Gaia bubbly, full of life and "surprises" in Chiara interesting student; to Clau with its strange news; to Kosenrufumama and his post leading heat to Tentarnonnuoce taking by the throat; to Chiara and her recipes, the Roby and his posts and advice, to Milo the lover of the sea (.. . I hope soon I shall have promised a boat ride ... right?); to Queen and her being bubbly (do you think should be in motion even in winter) to June who says in no hurry and I no hurry Like, a Corrado that introduced me to the world of blogs, and Thurs (dear Thu) who writes very well and that fills the heart. A Eliana I was close in many of my shots, to Irvin that at times a bit 'down gave me the strength to continue my adventure in Max and I endured during my years at large. And thanks also to those who have followed me in silence ... although I heard them!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mount And Blade Native Expansion Guide

Finally a chat in the sun in front of a coffee with my friend Laura, who I believe has a beautifull hair color.

SONG: "I am allright "Madeleine Peyroux
NEWS: 2011 will be 'the year of telepresence. According to the New Scientist, is no longer spoken' only telecommuting and teleconferencing, but even a 'remote presence' with real computers and robots. are in fact being produced in the U.S. and Japan 'robot twins', to be present in a while and 'physically in another. And' the last frontier of telepresence: the idea of \u200b\u200bpresenting to the office teleconference and talk to colleagues via a video seems so 'prehistory.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Disneyland Atmosphere Character Audition

A walk in the sun among the apple trees.

SONG: "You and I "Ingrid Michaelson
NEWS: No more 'cigarettes in bars, restaurants and public in many areas in Spain, which now take the 'hard line' against smoking. E 'taken at midnight in fact one of the most anti-smoking' rigid in Europe, with the ban on lighting cigars and cigarettes not only in bars, restaurants and public places but also in Children's parks and areas outside of hospitals and schools. The law provides for fines of up to a maximum, where more 'serious than 600,000 €.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots Portland

The first day of 2011 greets us with a wonderful day!

NEWS: Today, the euro and 'state successfully introduced in Estonia. The European Central Bank announced in a statement, adding that the number of EU member states that use the single European currency, 'so' rose to 17, bringing the number of Europeans who use the 331 million people.