Thursday, April 17, 2008

Masterbaition Methodes

making the system more secure!

Ormai è noto da tempo che uno dei punti deboli del sistema Microsoft, sono le vulnerabilità che lo rendono insicuro, causando non pochi problemi sia al sistema che diventa instabile, sia al consumatore che si trova con un sistema operativo precario.
Uno dei maggiori problemi che affligge questo sistema, sono la stragrande maggioranza di malware che girano intorno ad esso.
Vediamo alcuni accorgimenti che possono rendere l'utilizzo di questo sistema più sicuro (non invulnerabile).
Per prima cosa, bisogna procurarsi un buon antivirus, antispyware e firewall che ovviamente devono essere opportunamente installati e costantemente aggiornati, Moreover, blocking services and processes that we do not need, reducing the load on the machine and make it more efficient and safe system already these items will help keep your system more secure.
For those who use computers in their work and must obviously reduce problems related to vulnerability, I recommend creating accounts with reduced privileges, this is not to login as an administrator but as user, then you can work quietly with our programs, but we can not go to edit the configuration file system, registry and so on, this is a solution that reduces the opportunity for malware to interact with the system configuration are therefore partially blocked and have permission to edit files and more. Use
browser and mail client alternative to those provided by Microsoft, which often are the pearls of insecurity.
is very important to install the updates that Microsoft makes available.
These steps do not make the proof system of safe, help maintain a more stable and a bit safer, alternative to all this there are other operating systems more secure.


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