Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Heathrow Express Promotions

Locking Down Firefox. How? With a couple of plugins! The twelve

Mozilla Firefox is currently the most used browser by the average user. This popularity, gained over the years was surely due to the security features that this browser than Internet Explorer. Not everyone knows, however, that the "fox fire" once downloaded from the official site, requires some plugins (free!) to make it safe and (almost) invincible, otherwise, empty and bare, is no different from all Other browsers currently in circulation. Here I propose
some plugins that, in my humble opinion should not miss in our Firefox:

CookieSafe : Allows you to check the permissions of cookies (especially illegal ones).
Click here to add it to your Firefox!

NoScript : Allow execution of JavaScript, Java, and optionally other plug-in sites only permits the user directly. An extension essential to anyone who does not want on your PC to enter junk and viruses!
Click here to add it to your Firefox!

XSS Me : protection against XSS attacks.
Click here to add it to your Firefox!

RefControl : allows you to control what is sent as the HTTP Referer for each site.
(For effective protection, go to the "Tools" menu> "Add"> "RefControl"> "Options"> "Edit" and put the check mark on "Contraffai)
Click here to add it to your Firefox !

BetterPrivacy : helps protect you in the best way by LSO, and erase cookies normal of flash ( settings.sol ).
Click here to add it to your Firefox!

WOT : stands for "Web of Trust " and is due to its extended community, to catalog parameters through the web pages in safe and unsafe . By installing this extension you will notice a circle next to each page, if it is green it means that users of the Wot have been given a clean and safe and then, on the contrary it is the color red means that it is an untrusted site, or from unsuitable content to children, or even a shop not reliable.
If we also enter into a site Malfidano la pagina diventa nera con al centro il logo di Wot, il quale ci avverte del pericolo. Per visualizzare la pagina basta scegliere l'opzione " visualizza comunque ". Possiamo anche informarci del perchè il sito non è ritenuto affidabile. E una scheda ci darà ad esempio che il sito ha dei programmi con dialer, o una volta registrati si riceve spam ecc.
Installata l'estensione faremo parte anche noi della community di wot, dando così (se vogliamo)le nostre valutazioni ai siti che riteniamo o non riteniamo sicuri.
Se vogliamo condividere la nostra esperienza di un determinato sito con gli altri utenti ci basterà cliccare sul logo di wot presente nel nostro browser e apparirà una piccola finestra con quattro parametri da votare.
I parametri sono
  • Attendibilità
  • Affidabilità fornitore (per gli acquisti)
  • Riservatezza
  • Sicurezza per i bambini
Wot si serve anche di elenchi di siti anti-phishing.
Installando questa estensione saprete sempre la reputazione di un sito, forum , blog o altro che andrete a visitare.
Clicca qui per aggiungerlo al tuo Firefox!

AdBlock Plus : Per chi odia la pubblicità presente nei vari siti web, e per chi gradirebbe non vederla più, sicuramente AdBlock Plus è un estensione per Firefox che fa per lui. Facilissima da usare, blocca tutte le pubblicità che si desidera e può isolare anche un sito dal filtraggio. Installarla ed utilizzarla è semplicissimo, come tutte le altre extension, mentre la configurazione è abbastanza automatica: quando si ha una pubblicità, accanto al banner compare un tasto con scritto BLOCCA - premendolo la pubblicità non verà più visualizzata. Per filtrare un sito, basta andare nel menù strumenti, cliccare su AdBlock Plus, Aggiungi filtro ed inserire il link del sito da filtrare ed il gioco è fatto.Per chi vuole invece eliminare tutte le pubblicità, può usare uno dei filtri presenti in rete. Segnalo quello di GxWare . Sul sito ci sono tutte le istruzioni su come applicarlo.
Clicca qui per aggiungerlo al tuo Firefox!

Stealther : With this extension we will not save on your local history, cache, cookies, downloaded files list, recently closed tabs, enter information on forms. At the same time, we will not send to the sites visited and the browser version of the operating system.
Click here to add it to your Firefox!

LinkExtend : Provides level of safety, ethics, safety to children, pagerank and other information of the page you are visiting or a link.
Click here to add it to your Firefox!

only problem is that sometimes (often) Firefox is to occupy different memory resources and depending on your PC you may experience delays and performance degradation . Here, then, that the plugin Cache Status comes to our rescue: frees up the memory usage in excess of this web browser resulting increase speed and improve the performance of Firefox.
Click here to add it to your Firefox!

If you want to add a few plugins that you should be involved in the security package from the list below, write in comments.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Compaq Cq50-105nr Atheros Xp Driver

Happy Christmas to you! - Merry Christmas
This year I turned so my PC with Christmas themes Ubuntu
Desktop cube and snow scene (do from you) Login ChristmasHamper Christmas with logo (download here )

And there is also a theme for Beril downloaded from here

For users of Windows instead:


And of course the video version of the 3 Little Pigs Christmas

Now I still wish you ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

What To Wear With Red Sweater

Ubuntu Plus 4 Remix

The institute has decided to save on software to move towards' open source and has created a distribution of Ubuntu created by Prof. Antonio Cantaro.
Ubuntu plus, thanks al'intervento Professor offers more than windows and did not cost more.
It is strongly recommended to test mode live o di installarlo con windows, tutto su un unica macchina.

Ubuntu plus fai da te
Ubuntu iso download:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

7 Week Old Baby With Phlegm On The Chest

Publish a video blogger on youtube

Oggi qualcuno mi ha chiesto come mettere un video su blogger.
Farlo è alquanto semplice anche se bisogna seguire qualche passo:
  1. Prima di tutto sotto la descrizione ci sono due link, e vicino al secondo c'e un ingranaggio.
  2. Scegliete la dimensione (la più piccola possibilmente), il colore ed altre impostazioni.
  3. Copiate il secondo link e andate su Blogger

  1. Su blogget Click "New Post"
  2. Choose ticket "edit html"
  3. Copy the code you copied earlier
  4. Publish the post.
These were all simple steps to bring a video from youtube to blogger

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Much Panadol Kills You

scams Christmas.

McAfee offers in guardia gli utenti sulle 12 truffe di Natale e sugli attacchi online più diffusi in occasione delle festività: secondo l'indagine State of the Net 2009 di Consumer Reports, i criminali informatici hanno sottratto agli utenti 8 miliardi di dollari

nei due anni scorsi.

Truffa I : Truffe di phishing di beneficenza. Durante la stagione delle feste, gli hacker sfruttano la generosità dei cittadini inviando email che sembrano provenire da enti di beneficenza legittimi; in realtà si tratta di siti web fasulli creati per appropriarsi delle donazioni, delle informazioni delle carte di credito e delle identità dei donatori.

Truffa II : Fatture fasulle da servizi di consegna volti a sottrarre denaro. I criminali informatici spesso inviano fatture fasulle e notifiche di consegna che sembrano arrivare per esempio da Federal Express o UPS chiedendo i dettagli della carta di credito per il riaccredito sul conto: le informazioni dell'utente vengono così rubate.

Truffa III : Social Networking. I criminali approfittano di questo di questo periodo particolare dell'anno inviando email di "Nuova richiesta di amicizia" che sembrano autentiche e provenire da parte di siti di social networking; cliccare sui link contenuti in queste email può portare all'installazione automatica di malware on your computer and steal personal information.

Fraud IV: The Dangers of Christmas cards electronically. In the last holiday season, it was discovered a worm disguised as e note Hallmark and festive promotions for McDonald's and Coca-Cola also email attachments Christmas-themed PowerPoint are very popular as a vehicle for malware.

Scam V : Costume "luxury" at exorbitant prices. A campaign brings festive shoppers to phony sites that have malware luxurious gifts "discounted" of big names (like Cartier, Gucci and Tag Heuer), also using fake logos of the Better Business Bureau to deceive shoppers into buying products they never receive.

Scam VI: Making Christmas shopping in a safe manner. Forrester Research Inc. predicts that online holiday sales will increase this year, as many people looking for opportunities will turn to the web to do business. As users shop and surf open hotspots, hackers can spy on their activities in an attempt to steal their personal information, the suggestion is for people never to buy online from a public computer or using a Wi open-Fi.

Scam VII: The lyrics of Christmas carols can be risky. During the holidays, hackers create fraudulent websites Christmas theme for those looking to hit a ringtone or wallpaper for your PC to the Christmas theme, the lyrics of Christmas carols or a screen saver theme: in this way is likely to infect your PC with spyware, adware or other malware.

Scam VIII: Unemployment. Fraudsters take advantage of desperate people looking for a job with the promise of high-paying jobs and income opportunities working from home, once the parties have submitted their information and pay the share of "goodwill", the hackers steal money instead of following the promised employment opportunity.

Scam IX: The fraud of the auction sites. Buyers should beware of auction sites on occasions that seem too good to be true, because often these purchases are never delivered to the buyer.

X Scam: The "password stealing." password theft is rampant during the holiday season: the thieves are using tools to discover the password of a user and send malware to record the keystrokes of the PC, a technique known as keylogging.

Scam XI: The bank email scams. Cyber \u200b\u200bcriminals trick consumers into divulging their bank details by sending emails that appear to come from financial institutions real. They ask users to confirm details of the bank account details including username and password, with the warning that if not provide this information your account will be closed.

XII Scam: Your files in exchange for a ransom: the fraud "ransomware". Hackers gain control of computer users through a series of festive these scams, then behave like "Virtual kidnappers' to seize files and encrypt , making it unreadable and inaccessible. Confidence Man holds hostage the user's files requiring payment of a ransom to return them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pinky And The Brain Moto

Virus evil

you afraid of viruses?? Well
can not do more than this (at least in the meantime)

Noughts And Crosses Strategy

black screens of death in Windows because of Windows? No, an update ...

Miscellaneous generalist and specialist sites including sites like the BBC are reporting a problem that apparently could afflict millions of users of Windows 7 and was affectionately named the Black Screen of Death .

In practice, when Windows 7 is completely black screen after login: no desktop, taskbar or sidebar, but (at best) only an Explorer window. This makes it understandably difficult to work. The problem also affects Windows Vista, XP, NT, and 2000.

The software company Prevx has prepared a temporary and partial remedy. The cause seems to be one of the recent updates Windows, that of November 25, which has changed the management of the Registry. Microsoft are looking in the archives of information for XP, but seem to involve another problem that produces a black screen. According InformationWeek, Microsoft for now only to say that "is investigating the reports" and that investigation is complete provide "detailed instructions on how to prevent or manage these issues" .

I will keep you updated on any developments and if you have info on post them in comments.

Especially a recommendation: do not trust unknown Web sites that offer remedies for this problem. Pests and cyber criminals are already taking advantage of the news. Avoid
also for a few days to perform downloading and installing updates, at least until you have a better idea about it and / or will not be released an update to update (pardon the pun, but this thing makes me smile. ..) that could plug the leak.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Heathrow Express Promotion

Warcraft-dependent? You can cause Blizzard!

name Erik Estavillo will not say anything to most people, but for the big game makers to do the same effect of mosquitoes in summer: a constant annoyance but hardly threatening.

Estavillo, a university student from California, has sued Blizzard Entertain for "deceptive trade practices" in viodeogioco World of Warcraft: having created a virtual world that forces players to "walk or run at a slower pace, requiring more time than necessary to move from one place another "has led in Estavillo a severe form of dependence from the game itself that has turned into an alien no longer able to function normally in the real world.

Not only the environment of World of Warcraft would be "harmful to many of its customers, which forces them to stick to gaming activities vile and mendacious" . And that's why Estavillo Blizzard asks for compensation one million dollars.

To support its argument, in case the student has included the names of some witnesses: Martin Lee Gore, founder of Depeche Mode (as "he famously sad, lonely and alienated, as can be derived from the songs that composed ") and actress Winona Ryder (as passionate Estavillo to Catcher in the Rye and therefore can " explain the meaning of alienation in that book and how this alienation can be transposed in real life and in games like World of Warcraft ").

As crazy they may seem requests Erik Estavillo part of the routine del personaggio apprendendo che nella lista delle aziende già querelate sono presenti Microsoft, Sony e Nintendo.

La prima era stata accusata di avergli causato stress in seguito al malfunzionamento della console Xbox (segnalato dall'apparizione del problema dei "Tre Led Rossi", Red Ring of Death): per riaversi aveva chiesto 75.000 dollari.

Sony, invece, ha osato escluderlo dal PlayStation Network per via del suo comportamento (come previsto dalla licenza) negandogli così i suoi diritti costituzionali (la libertà di parola nella fattispecie): in questo caso la richiesta è stata di soli 55.000 dollari, diventati 180.000 nell'appello seguito al fallimento first grade.

Finally, the lawsuit aimed at Nintendo is motivated by the disappearance Homebrew Channel following an updated Wii would interfere in "pursuit of happiness" of Estevillo, which needed to take only $ 5,000.

Estavillo has never received anything from any of their lawsuits, for which prefer not to go to a lawyer but act in person.