Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Heathrow Express Promotion

Warcraft-dependent? You can cause Blizzard!

name Erik Estavillo will not say anything to most people, but for the big game makers to do the same effect of mosquitoes in summer: a constant annoyance but hardly threatening.

Estavillo, a university student from California, has sued Blizzard Entertain for "deceptive trade practices" in viodeogioco World of Warcraft: having created a virtual world that forces players to "walk or run at a slower pace, requiring more time than necessary to move from one place another "has led in Estavillo a severe form of dependence from the game itself that has turned into an alien no longer able to function normally in the real world.

Not only the environment of World of Warcraft would be "harmful to many of its customers, which forces them to stick to gaming activities vile and mendacious" . And that's why Estavillo Blizzard asks for compensation one million dollars.

To support its argument, in case the student has included the names of some witnesses: Martin Lee Gore, founder of Depeche Mode (as "he famously sad, lonely and alienated, as can be derived from the songs that composed ") and actress Winona Ryder (as passionate Estavillo to Catcher in the Rye and therefore can " explain the meaning of alienation in that book and how this alienation can be transposed in real life and in games like World of Warcraft ").

As crazy they may seem requests Erik Estavillo part of the routine del personaggio apprendendo che nella lista delle aziende già querelate sono presenti Microsoft, Sony e Nintendo.

La prima era stata accusata di avergli causato stress in seguito al malfunzionamento della console Xbox (segnalato dall'apparizione del problema dei "Tre Led Rossi", Red Ring of Death): per riaversi aveva chiesto 75.000 dollari.

Sony, invece, ha osato escluderlo dal PlayStation Network per via del suo comportamento (come previsto dalla licenza) negandogli così i suoi diritti costituzionali (la libertà di parola nella fattispecie): in questo caso la richiesta è stata di soli 55.000 dollari, diventati 180.000 nell'appello seguito al fallimento first grade.

Finally, the lawsuit aimed at Nintendo is motivated by the disappearance Homebrew Channel following an updated Wii would interfere in "pursuit of happiness" of Estevillo, which needed to take only $ 5,000.

Estavillo has never received anything from any of their lawsuits, for which prefer not to go to a lawyer but act in person.


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