Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can You Wear Ripped Jean Shorts For A Pirate

The Pirate Bay closes: the end of the download? Not really ...

The news that the "pirate ship" is sinking has been around the world in a few hours. One of the many reasons that led them to three "Amigos" at the end of the world's largest BitTorrent tracker was certainly not a few had legal problems recently, but not all. The computing world is evolving every day and the same applies to technologies intended for download:

Pirate Bay BitTorrent tracker ceases to be a tracker because the technology is outdated: the future is the magnet link and Distributed Hash Tables . In practice, the old centralized system is replaced by a distributed system.

There's a server but to lean on each node of the network peer to peer perform the research work and sharing. From the legal point of view this means that no longer exists a server close on charges of copyright infringement because the operation of the system is decentralized: it is a bit 'suffered the same evolution of the technology underlying the transition from eMule Kademlia network server.

For users, who are interested basically have a link to click to start the download, change little: they can always use the search engine Bay of Pirates (at least until summer 2010, when it begins the process of 'appeal) but then clicking on a link magnet.

The torrent client that will download must be updated to support system (le ultime versioni dei software più usati sono già al passo) ma, a parte questo, tutto resta come prima.

Per chi invece si occupa di lotta alla pirateria tutto ciò può significare qualche problema in più: la mancanza di un tracker porta sia all'impossibilità di avere un server da chiudere o mettere in difficoltà (come sta accadendo ultimamente) - dato che tutto è gestito dai singoli nodi della rete - sia alla mancanza di un punto di partenza stabile per le indagini mirate a stanare i condivisori.

Anche senza tracker, Pirate Bay resterà il punto di riferimento per lo scarimento tramite protocollo Torrent, ma forse cambierà logo: a Swedish company - the Sandryds Handels AB - became aware that the famous galleon is a registered trademark and is attempting to appropriate to locate it on a line of USB flash drive.

secono Peter Sunde, who occasionally seems to take over the role of spokesman for the Bay (despite has officially abandoned ) to Sandryds is only a preliminary registration yet to be approved by the authorities and will be easily set aside.

Mal going, maybe we'll see Pirate Bay in court to defend intellectual property that belongs


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