Sunday, February 21, 2010

Do You Keep Wedding Invitations?

iPad 4G and the iPhone will support video

The more days pass and the greater the rumors and news on the next version of the new iPhone.

With the new version of SDK released to developers, have discovered the secret information that confirm the presence of the function video on the upcoming iPhone and sull'iPad .

In the picture above you can see a string inside the file "TelephonyUI" where you can read the definition of " VideoChat " apparently will be managed by a frame same application "Phone".

In the picture above, however, we can see the two icons for video calls.

wait, of course, confirmation of these deductions, hoping that Apple has realized that it is finally time to install a front camera to enable video calling function that now even the stones have ...

Off Road Pop Up Trailers

France prepares to filter the Internet

The French National Assembly approved with 312 votes in favor and 214 against, the bill Loppsi II (Law and programming guidance for internal security), which includes a crackdown pretty tight on the Internet.

Justification of the rules is the combating child pornography, to eliminate the effect that the Government intends to establish a system of filters on the Net

The law requires ISPs to block access to any address Ip and the site indicated by the authorities if they have a suspicion that it is used for distributing pornographic material illegal.

If you are conducting an investigation into this crime, the police then obtained automatically authorization to intercept telephone calls and data connections to the Internet suspects.

All the proposed amendments during the parliamentary debate to avoid abuses were defeated, some MPs had suggested only to block URLs that point to specific documents, not entire sites, and requested that a judge month, check the list of URLs addresses were included to prevent innocent, but were not heard.

It was also proposed to start filtering on a temporary and experimental, to assess risks and benefits , but this proposal fell on deaf ears.

According La Quadrature du Net President Sarkozy is using pornography as a weapon to introduce filters to the network to eliminate not agree with his content and that have nothing to do with the exploitation of children.

"The machinery of government security gradually are trying to control the Internet at the expense of freedom," said Jérémie Zimmermann, spokesman for La Quadrature du Net

Zimmerman then the door ' example of Germany where a similar law was ineffective because withdrawn : filters - have discovered the Germans - not sono funzionali alla lotta alla pedopornografia, mentre l'unica strada per il successo in questo senso è mirare alla rimozione dei contenuti. Chi vuole i filtri ha probabilmente tutt'altro obiettivo in mente.

Della stessa opinione è Favrice Epelboin, giornalista autore di uno studio sul business della pedopornografia: i pedofili - sostiene Epelboin - ormai usano reti peer to peer crittografate ed è pertanto inutile istituire un sistema come quello al vaglio dell'Assemblea Nazionale.

D'altra parte è stato lo stesso presidente Sarkozy a dichiarare, in un discorso ai membri dell' industria musicale ed editoriale francese, che il governo would undertake to set up filters to eliminate all forms of piracy on the web.

The Loppsi II - which also includes rules on stiffer penalties for counterfeiting credit cards and identity theft, as well as increased use of CCTV cameras - has been declared urgent Government and therefore, instead of the traditional four readings, has only two required for approval.

If, in April, the Senate will vote the Loppsi II will become law.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spells To Become A Werewolf

seized 7,000 3D glasses throughout Italy

The agency AGI indicates that in recent days have been seized more than 7,000 3D glasses throughout Italy. Following the recommendations of the Codacons , in fact, the Ministry of Health has found it necessary to make checks and inspections in theaters around the country to ensure that the glasses in these days hundreds of thousands of Italians are using to see movies like Avatar have been packed in accordance with EC regulations.

Apparently, in many cases for 3D media reported only the words "Made in China", without any mark of conformity and safety CE (richiesto in tutte le forme di occhiali, come sottolinea il Codacons ). Questo marchio certifica che gli occhiali sono stati testati adeguatamente, e che non presentano un rischio per la vista. Inoltre in alcuni casi gli occhiali venivano riciclati per visioni successive senza una adeguata pulizia: a quanto pare, infatti, non tutti i cinema igenizzavano i supporti dopo ogni visione, cosa che ha preoccupato il Ministero per la possibilità che gli occhiali siano veicolo di infezioni dell'occhio e della cute.

Il ministero, riferisce l'AGI, "ritiene indispensabile uno specifico protocollo di pulizia e di disinfezione": insomma, la diffusione 3D as a standard must also be accompanied by adequate legislation regarding quality standards. A problem, however, being found only in Italy, so that it has been reported on the 'Hollywood Reporter .

Friday, February 19, 2010

What Causes Undigested Food

enzymes break down the cost of biorcarburanti

Progress towards the production of biofuels more competitive towards hydrocarbons does not stop: After the biodiesel produced by the bacteria, two American companies have found a way to cut costs Production of ethanol from cellulose .

The Novozymes, one of largest producers of synthetic enzymes, today announced it has found a way to break down cellulose into simple sugars using enzymes much cheaper than used so far, which allows to lower production costs from $ 1.30 to 50 cents per gallon (one gallon is equivalent to about 3.8 liters).

By 2011 the Novozymes - which next year will open its first major manufacturing facility - plans to be able to produce ethanol from cellulose, giving the finished product is priced at about $ 2 a gallon (about 1.5 € for almost 4 liters), a figure similar to the current cost of ethanol taken from corn and gasoline in United States.

raise the price of ethanol from cellulose at levels competitive with those taken from corn means being able to do without food exploit potential to produce biofuels and instead use vegetable less "important".

Almost simultaneously with Novozymes also Genencor, a division of Danisco, announced the creation of their own enzyme that promises to bring down costs at the same level.

Philippe Lavielle, vice president of Genencor, is convinced that bringing the large-scale production is possible ulteriano bring down the cost of production up at 20 or 30 cents a gallon, with price at the pump around $ 1.5 a gallon (about 1.1 €), this objective could be achieved over the next five or seven years.

Catadioptric Telescope Diagram

The world's largest computer attack

According to the Washington Post larger computer attack is never carried out: even though it was not discovered until now, began in January 2008 and involved 196 countries, 75,000 between PCs and servers violated and 2,500 companies.

The merit of the discovery goes to Alex Cox, an official Netwittness, which has identified the bot Kneper , responsible infection that has opened the doors of so many systems.

To obtain your goal, Kneper has made use of ' help users of the affected companies that lightly, they have installed on their PC without knowing what they were doing.

The damage caused by intrusions have not yet been quantified and is not yet clear which and how much data was stolen . We only know that among the affected companies are big names such as pharmaceutical companies Merck & Co and Cardinal Health and the Paramount film, while the list of most affected countries is headed by Saudi Arabia, Mexico, USA, Egypt and Turkey.

Moreover, it appears that some U.S. government agencies have been affected by the theft of data even from mail account military, the Pentagon has so far answered the questions without any comment.

As managers, surveys point to Eastern Europe and China .

Brazilian Wax Job Tips

And if the PIN of the credit cards were the same and for all? There are those who did ... La Gioconda

A group of researchers at the University of Cambridge has discovered a flaw ridiculously easy to use management system "chip and pin" of transactions credit card terminals in stores.

According to Ross Anderson of Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, it is
"one of the largest ever discovered flaws in the payment system ... a system used by hundreds of millions of people, tens of thousands of banks and millions of points of sale " .

The flaw allows the criminal to use a stolen credit card without knowing the PIN. The method, which were not disclosed all the details for obvious reasons, seems to be a
man in the middle: the stolen card is inserted into a portable music player connected to a laptop which runs on a custom program written by researchers at Cambridge. Everything is hidden in a small backpack, which comes from a cable, which is concealed in the sleeve by passing the executioner. The cable connects to a fake credit card, that is what is stuck in the terminal of the store instead of the real one.

The transaction is in the normal way, being careful not to point out the cable protruding from the card (not hard), but when the PIN request the criminal is free to enter whatever you like, even
"0000" , because the software and the fake card to the terminal are believed to have been entered correct code. The acknowledgment shall include a statement that the transaction has been verified using a PIN.

BBC Newsnight made a video in which show this trick to work, of course under controlled conditions and with all the necessary permits. It worked with two credit cards and two debit of four British banks. The institutions surveyed by the BBC, pointed out that this is a problem that affects the entire sector and not the fault of a single operator and they say seems to understand that they are already working on a solution.

Now it remains unclear whether the problem also extends to non-UK credit cards. Given that foreign credit cards also work in the UK, it seems highly likely. A possible remedy is to have the terminal to read the cards so that the wrongdoer can not conceal the cable covering it with his sleeve sweater or jacket.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Remicaid And Social Activities


Google W to v and is a revolutionary way to chat with friends and relatives.
seems like a postal service and organizes chat messages as the iPhone.
Unfortunately being in the experimental stage, we must ask and then receive an invitation from Google to participate in the use of the demo or request an invitation to a user.
In the first use, you understand very quickly, being intuitive, and more graphics are very comfortable.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chest Pain In The Middle Of Chest For 3 Days

now draws with Brushes

Speed \u200b\u200bPainting Mona Lisa is a video produced by young Emanuele Esposito (aka. Skorpion) with its iPod Touch. What is so special this video? The famous painting of The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci made the program Brushes in more than 50 hours of work! A big compliment to the author for his dedication and patience, which led to the making of the video below (in which the last 50 hours have been reduced, for obvious reasons, to just over four minutes). Enjoy!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Brookstone Tsa Lock Reset

JailBreak iPhone firmware v.3.1.3

After numerous emails and inquiries from friends and readers of my blog, I decided to deepen the discussion on this new firmware released by Apple more world famous for his telephone. First, we analyze in detail the improvements that have added to this new version.
Il nuovo firmware 3.1.3 sostituisce il suo predecessore correggendo alcuni bug definiti minori ed aggiorna la sicurezza del sistema operativo a bordo del melafonino e del player multimediale.

Nel dettaglio, il firmware 3.1.3 va a migliorare la precisione del livello della batteria visualizzato su iPhone 3G S e a risolvere problemi che impedivano l’avvio di applicazioni di terze parti. L’aggiornamento, inoltre, corregge un bug che determinava la chiusura anomala di un’applicazione quando si usa la tastiera giapponese Kana. Per quanto riguarda la sicurezza del sistema operativo, il firmware 3.1.3 interviene sui componenti CoreAudio, ImageIO, Recovery Mode e WebKit.

Minor corrections, therefore, associated with a security update for your operating system. The most eagerly awaited new iPhone and iPod Touch should be introduced with the arrival of the next major release, on which Steve Jobs talked about performance and speed far superior to those offered by rival producers.

So, to those who have not updated the iPhone by the latest firmware, my advice is to keep the old version 3.1.2.
For those, however, that unfortunately have upgraded to the latest release, you will surely realize that everything had been done previously to unlock the telefono è stato "demoniacamente" annullato, ma non disperate: basta armarsi di un po' di olio di gomito, un paio di software e il gioco è fatto.

Come condizione preliminare avremo bisogno del download .NET Framework 3.5 (se non l'abbiamo già installato). Fatto ciò, possiamo iniziare la procedura.
  1. Effettuiamo il download dell'ultima versione di iTunes dal sito ufficale dell Apple.
  2. Avviamo iTunes e sincronizziamo l'iPhone con il PC in modo da poter eseguire un backup di tutti i dati contenuti all'interno del melafonino (musica, applicazioni, immagini, etc.).
  3. Scarichiamo Sn0wbreeze 3.1.xo V 1.x .
  4. We initiate and Sn0wbreeze selezionamo Simple Mode.
  5. Sn0wbreeze create a file. Psw customized for your iPhone, clicking on selezionamolo correctly Browse , if you do not have it, you'll find it easily on Google (3.1.3 ipsw download eng).
  6. At this point you should restore your iPhone with this custom firmware 3.1.3 that you have prepared with the program. Click on your phone in the iTunes sidebar and hold down the Shift button and then click on the + b Restore in iTunes, then rilasciate il pulsante Shift.
  7. Questa operazione farà sì che iTunes sia pronto a selezionare la location del vostro personalizzato firmware 3.1.3. Selezionate il file .ipsw e cliccate su "Open".
  8. Ora lasciate che iTunes lavori eseguendo una serie di passaggi automatici. Non fate nulla! Aspettate che iTunes termini il suo lavoro di installazione del firmware 3.1.3 senza intervenire. Dopo un po' il vostro iPhone vi mostrerà una barra progresso. Una volta terminato, l'iPhone si riavvierà automaticamente e avrete effettuato l'Hailbreak del vostro iPhone firmware 3.1.3.
  9. Una volta eseguito il Jailbreak, potete andare su Cydia e selezionare Manage -> Source type and at this point and add the following URL to Ultrasn0w:
  10. Search Ultrasn0w 0.92, install it and run it . Wait until the program is doing its job and reboot. At this point you will return to being masters of an iPhone without restrictions!