Sunday, February 21, 2010

Off Road Pop Up Trailers

France prepares to filter the Internet

The French National Assembly approved with 312 votes in favor and 214 against, the bill Loppsi II (Law and programming guidance for internal security), which includes a crackdown pretty tight on the Internet.

Justification of the rules is the combating child pornography, to eliminate the effect that the Government intends to establish a system of filters on the Net

The law requires ISPs to block access to any address Ip and the site indicated by the authorities if they have a suspicion that it is used for distributing pornographic material illegal.

If you are conducting an investigation into this crime, the police then obtained automatically authorization to intercept telephone calls and data connections to the Internet suspects.

All the proposed amendments during the parliamentary debate to avoid abuses were defeated, some MPs had suggested only to block URLs that point to specific documents, not entire sites, and requested that a judge month, check the list of URLs addresses were included to prevent innocent, but were not heard.

It was also proposed to start filtering on a temporary and experimental, to assess risks and benefits , but this proposal fell on deaf ears.

According La Quadrature du Net President Sarkozy is using pornography as a weapon to introduce filters to the network to eliminate not agree with his content and that have nothing to do with the exploitation of children.

"The machinery of government security gradually are trying to control the Internet at the expense of freedom," said Jérémie Zimmermann, spokesman for La Quadrature du Net

Zimmerman then the door ' example of Germany where a similar law was ineffective because withdrawn : filters - have discovered the Germans - not sono funzionali alla lotta alla pedopornografia, mentre l'unica strada per il successo in questo senso è mirare alla rimozione dei contenuti. Chi vuole i filtri ha probabilmente tutt'altro obiettivo in mente.

Della stessa opinione è Favrice Epelboin, giornalista autore di uno studio sul business della pedopornografia: i pedofili - sostiene Epelboin - ormai usano reti peer to peer crittografate ed è pertanto inutile istituire un sistema come quello al vaglio dell'Assemblea Nazionale.

D'altra parte è stato lo stesso presidente Sarkozy a dichiarare, in un discorso ai membri dell' industria musicale ed editoriale francese, che il governo would undertake to set up filters to eliminate all forms of piracy on the web.

The Loppsi II - which also includes rules on stiffer penalties for counterfeiting credit cards and identity theft, as well as increased use of CCTV cameras - has been declared urgent Government and therefore, instead of the traditional four readings, has only two required for approval.

If, in April, the Senate will vote the Loppsi II will become law.


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