Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spells To Become A Werewolf

seized 7,000 3D glasses throughout Italy

The agency AGI indicates that in recent days have been seized more than 7,000 3D glasses throughout Italy. Following the recommendations of the Codacons , in fact, the Ministry of Health has found it necessary to make checks and inspections in theaters around the country to ensure that the glasses in these days hundreds of thousands of Italians are using to see movies like Avatar have been packed in accordance with EC regulations.

Apparently, in many cases for 3D media reported only the words "Made in China", without any mark of conformity and safety CE (richiesto in tutte le forme di occhiali, come sottolinea il Codacons ). Questo marchio certifica che gli occhiali sono stati testati adeguatamente, e che non presentano un rischio per la vista. Inoltre in alcuni casi gli occhiali venivano riciclati per visioni successive senza una adeguata pulizia: a quanto pare, infatti, non tutti i cinema igenizzavano i supporti dopo ogni visione, cosa che ha preoccupato il Ministero per la possibilità che gli occhiali siano veicolo di infezioni dell'occhio e della cute.

Il ministero, riferisce l'AGI, "ritiene indispensabile uno specifico protocollo di pulizia e di disinfezione": insomma, la diffusione 3D as a standard must also be accompanied by adequate legislation regarding quality standards. A problem, however, being found only in Italy, so that it has been reported on the 'Hollywood Reporter .


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