Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can You Wear Ripped Jean Shorts For A Pirate

The Pirate Bay closes: the end of the download? Not really ...

The news that the "pirate ship" is sinking has been around the world in a few hours. One of the many reasons that led them to three "Amigos" at the end of the world's largest BitTorrent tracker was certainly not a few had legal problems recently, but not all. The computing world is evolving every day and the same applies to technologies intended for download:

Pirate Bay BitTorrent tracker ceases to be a tracker because the technology is outdated: the future is the magnet link and Distributed Hash Tables . In practice, the old centralized system is replaced by a distributed system.

There's a server but to lean on each node of the network peer to peer perform the research work and sharing. From the legal point of view this means that no longer exists a server close on charges of copyright infringement because the operation of the system is decentralized: it is a bit 'suffered the same evolution of the technology underlying the transition from eMule Kademlia network server.

For users, who are interested basically have a link to click to start the download, change little: they can always use the search engine Bay of Pirates (at least until summer 2010, when it begins the process of 'appeal) but then clicking on a link magnet.

The torrent client that will download must be updated to support system (le ultime versioni dei software più usati sono già al passo) ma, a parte questo, tutto resta come prima.

Per chi invece si occupa di lotta alla pirateria tutto ciò può significare qualche problema in più: la mancanza di un tracker porta sia all'impossibilità di avere un server da chiudere o mettere in difficoltà (come sta accadendo ultimamente) - dato che tutto è gestito dai singoli nodi della rete - sia alla mancanza di un punto di partenza stabile per le indagini mirate a stanare i condivisori.

Anche senza tracker, Pirate Bay resterà il punto di riferimento per lo scarimento tramite protocollo Torrent, ma forse cambierà logo: a Swedish company - the Sandryds Handels AB - became aware that the famous galleon is a registered trademark and is attempting to appropriate to locate it on a line of USB flash drive.

secono Peter Sunde, who occasionally seems to take over the role of spokesman for the Bay (despite has officially abandoned ) to Sandryds is only a preliminary registration yet to be approved by the authorities and will be easily set aside.

Mal going, maybe we'll see Pirate Bay in court to defend intellectual property that belongs

Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Clean Refurbished Bathtubs

The computer that thinks like a cat.

IBM announced the world's most powerful artificial brain. It has 147,456 processors, more than 150 terabytes of memory, requires six thousand tons of cooling, occupies about 4000 square feet and consume megawatts of power. All this produces the equivalent of the brain of a cat very, very slow. More than a hundred times slower than your beloved cat.

gattofili If you are, you might be tempted to say that this shows how intelligent is your beloved flock the retractable claws, which, moreover, have always known this, but go there with caution. The supercars of IBM is a mortgage of the brain, not a copy, and simulations require more and much more computing power than the copies.

It 's a remarkable simulation. At Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California, was in fact virtually replicated the coordinated operation of 1.6 billion interconnected neurons from 9 trillion synapses (complexity compared to a brain of a cat), shattering the record Previous 55 million neurons, which is the brain of a rat. A record obtained by the same team only two years ago. A

when a simulation of the human brain? Probably not between more than two decades. The computing power required is a thousand times higher than the mortgage of a cat, but the pace of progress present such a supercomputer should be available by 2019. Just in time to hunt for Sarah Connor.

The purpose of this research is not to create a breed of cats or the Terminator robot, but under controlled conditions to study the behavior and dynamics of the brain slices without anyone. The real challenge, in fact, is how does the brain to self-organize, it is not enough that there are billions of neurons must also be coherent structure. It is one thing to have a house, another is to have a shapeless pile of bricks in it. The spontaneous organization, created by experience and interaction with the world, is completely different from the current computing model, where everything is preset, and is the reason why organic farming requires a supercomputer to simulate the intelligence dragged by the neck.

But the results are starting to see. A more modest simulation, called Darwin and based on 50,000 virtual neurons, equal to one quarter of the brain of a gnat, was installed in a robot on wheels. As the robot interacted with the surrounding world, its virtual neurons altered their own interconnections, producing spontaneous organization.

The other significant result, which will be presented shortly in detail by the researcher Dharmendra S. Almaden Modha, is the use of supercomputers to decipher non-invasively (without slices to anyone, in fact) the interconnections of the human brain by analyzing images obtained using MRI. It's like an X-ray to make a big pot of spaghetti and figuring out the route taken by each noodle. This work is essential, Modha explains in his blog , to understand how each of us is to represent and process information.

To what purpose do all this? Why is cool, but mostly because today's computers are stupid and unable to handle the ambiguities of the real world and to analyze information based on context, and in an increasingly complex world should be complementary intelligence natural and artificial, as well as complement our muscle strength with that of the machines. And also because, to be frank, the current record holder of intelligence on this planet is proving all too often not up to the task.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

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The pirate ship sinks: The Pirate Bay closes!

The staff of the world's largest BitTorrent tracker, The Pirate Bay , announced that is slowly fading.

adventure which began 21 November 2003, when a group of friends ( Gottfrid Svartholm , known under the pseudonym Anakata , Fredrik Neij , TiAMO , and Peter Sunde , brokep ) Sweden decided to start a BitTorrent tracker called ' The Pirate Bay ' which soon became one of the largest BitTorrent tracker on the Internet used by millions of users to share files.

Although the site will remain operational (for now) millions of people lose the use BitTorrent your favorite tracker, and (fortunately) can still count on the many alternative tracker still working. The site of the bay of pirates continue to operate as it search engine for torrent files . Instead the old server where the years have passed more than 25 million users will be donated to a museum.

Unfortunately The Pirate Bay will not be remembered only for being the largest BitTorrent tracker , but especially for the lawsuit move by the majors for copyright infringement. In fact the four April 17, 2009 founders of "The Pirate Bay" have been sentenced to one year in prison for complicity in the violation of copyrights. The four will also have to pay 30 million kronor (2.7 million euro) in damages and interest to the music industry, film and video games, claiming 117 million crowns by way of lost earnings.

The lawyers of the four have now announced plans to appeal. Now the press is waiting for the next summer, when the appeal process will be held by The Pirate Bay. But come rumors that one of the judges presiding over the court of appeal has to do with Spotify, the legal department of streaming online, listen to streaming full length album. The lawyers of the parties involved have already reported this anomaly, it is perhaps for such reasons that the appeal process has been moved to the summer of 2010.

Ironically fatal destiny, or just that this news is posting the exact date, November 21, 2009, exactly six years after the founding of "The Pirate Bay"? Maybe both, because with "The Pirate Bay dies a piece of history as it has been for Napster before when there were no" mules "," torrents "or more.

2 Month Old Has Watery Stools

Google Chrome OS: Revolution in the long term.


Waiting for pre-launch (webcast here ) of Google Chrome OS, operating system, Google signed, was very high, but as often happens, expectations are rarely rewarded. Many thought that this was a move by the search giant on the Net to undermine the substantial monopoly of Microsoft in operating systems for personal computers, but what has emerged is far from his debut.

Google Chrome is based on Linux OS (Debian), as expected, but can not be installed instead of Windows, Linux or Mac OS X on any PC: it works only on devices blessed by Google (or a virtual machine in VMWare be downloaded as described on Lifehacker.com ), which for now does not exist but will be substantially the netbook and mobile phones (running on x86 and ARM). The actual launch of Chrome OS will in fact at the end of 2010: today was presented a preview only to smell the scent of what is churned out in a few months.

Chrome OS does not support hard disks, for example, but only those solid state is Linux, but has traditional applications to install, everything happens inside the browser (which of course is Google's browser, or Chrome), nothing local data or so, because everything resides on the Net exists in two versions, the closed source (Chrome OS) and open source ( Chromium ). How much tells

informally explanatory video Google Chrome OS is an operating system whose only purpose is to start as quickly as possible to allow the user to do the thing which is now more than any other computer to: access Internet: in the demo, the boot and loading in all browsers require only seven seconds. The computer essentially becomes a terminal with a few more ornaments. The applications reside in the browser and use the HTML5 to be more powerful and versatile applications via the Web today. There is no Start menu or Dock: all interaction is via the browser tabs, including configuration. The e-mail will consult with Gmail, you edit documents with Google Docs, and so on.

Google Chrome OS is not so immediate for the PC revolution that many expected, but it is a long-term challenge to Microsoft, Apple and the Linux world, because it makes the operating system largely irrelevant for most applications does not require handling of large amounts of data (audio and video editing, for example). All this resembles the story of Netscape, which was irrelevant to make the operating system a few years ago. We know what happened, and there is always the bottom line: we trust to delegate everything, absolutely everything, including our personal data, nostre foto, le nostre mail, a Google?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lobster Boats For Sale In New England

Windows 7 to be paralyzed by remote: possible? It seems so ... Creating photomontages with Juxtaposer

Il nuovo Windows 7 è nato da pochissimo e già ha fatto parlare di sè moltissimo, ma non solo per le migliorie apportare dopo Vista purtroppo. Recentemente è stata scoperta una nuova falla, che se Windows 7 fosse una nave, il suo capitano urlerebbe senza pensarci su due volte "Abbandonare la nave!". Fortunatamente Windows 7 non è una nave e, nel momento in cui viene scoperto un buco, viene trovato anche (solitamente...) il "tappo" con cui bloccarlo.

Stando al suo scopritore Laurent Gaffié: è possibile paralizzare Windows 7 (e anche alcune versioni di Windows Server 2008) simply by tricking a user into visiting a malicious Web site packed. No blue screen classic, but a complete block: The computer stops responding to commands. It 'then must restart, resulting in loss of unsaved data. Not a little embarrassing for Bill Gates and friends.

Microsoft is already working on updating to plug the leak, but in the meantime, the demonstrations of the extreme ease with which they could exploit the flaw began to circulate on the Net

The first demonstration, of course, is the discoverer, on 11 November he published little responsibly all the Python code to use.

How does the leak? It 'pretty simple. Microsoft software that runs in Windows 7 the SMB (Server Message Block), the one normally used on Windows computers to share files and printers, does not handle properly any inconsistencies in the data submitted under this share. Specifically, Windows 7 is blocked completely (go into infinite loop) if it 's header of a data packet SMB declaring a length different from the real one. It 'just a single byte of difference, according to tests of PraetorianPrefect.com . If this happens, the only thing you can do is press the button to shut down the computer and then restart. An attacker

non deve fare altro che predisporre un server sul quale gira il codice pubblicato da Gaffié, lasciarlo in ascolto e indurre la vittima, tramite un qualunque espediente psicologico (mail allettante, invito in chat), a visitare una pagina Web contenente un link speciale che rimanda al server ostile. Ergo, per i meno esperti , non aprite email di strani mittenti di cui non avete mai sentito parlare ed anche strane email, perchè no, di amici e conoscenti di cui non aspettate nulla; se non siete sicuri, chiedete conferma prima di aprire il messaggio, scaricare allegati o cliccare sui link contenuti in esso (questa è una regola fondamentale per la sicurezza generale del proprio computer). Quando la vittima contatta the Web page, you enable an SMB connection that sends malformed packets to Windows 7, which is paralyzed. There are also other methods ( a command dir \\ \\ IP address \\ shared resource fake from the victim machine), but this is probably the most pernicious.

Microsoft has published a advisory in English, in recommending that users of Windows 7 block TCP ports 139 and 445 at the firewall and block all communications to and from SMB Internet. Normally you should already be configured this way (if you have doubts, ask a trusted expert to check for you), so the leak would be usable only by spiteful colleagues. The Microsoft advisory

indicates that Windows XP and Windows Vista are not affected by this vulnerability, and stresses that are currently not well known sites that exploit and can not be exploited to run code or otherwise take control of the victim's computer: the worst that can happen, In short, you find the computer suddenly stopped. Just like old times.

In short, the new operating system, old problems: the same old story as always.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

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Making music with the pc: Fruity Loops Studio 9

This program, also called simply Fl Studio 9 allows you to create music and then export it. You can only create a base or an entire song with musical instruments virtuali e altro. Certo, a guardarlo così a pri mo colpo sembra molto complesso ma con una guida come questa o esempi come questi si farà presto ad imparare.
L'home page del p ro gramma è a questo indirizzo: http://flstudio.image-line.com/index.html

Weird Sayings Phrases


Juxtaposer app icon

Juxtaposer is a really nice iPhone and iPod touch that allows you to combine images to create montages through a curious simple and intuitive.

The operation is simple. Cut a piece of a picture we have in our library of iPhone / iPod Touch and paste it over another picture.

The first thing to do to use this application is to choose two photos from our library.

After you select the 2 files, select the portion of the image that we want to cut, we proceed to cut out the parts you want. Draw an outline around the part of the picture that we need, for example, cut out the head of a friend or one of our pet. Juxtaposer allows to use the (zoom in and zoom out) to crop precisely the part of choice.

Or we can rotate the image, to give the desired angle to fit the second picture. In this way we can glue the head of our dog on the cat or vice versa, creating a new monument or a mythical creature with the face of a famous friend. A

help is always available to us cunsultabile at any time by clicking the image that appears on the diskette in the upper left.

summarizes some of the main features of this program:
- Possible undo and redo actions.

- Availability of different types of brushes to create or blurred edges.

- Add more pieces of images to the final image.

- Ability to save the created image in our photo album.

- Ability to save several projects at once and resume it later.

- Masking the background image, this will allow us to isolate the part of 'image to work without taking into account the background image.

- Option to switch between edit mode and display full-screen image with the touch of a finger across the screen.

- Ability to work with our device in a horizontal or vertical.

- Possibility to change the settings by clicking "Advanced Settings".


You really can do anything, Juxtaposer is definitely an app that everyone should have on your iPhone.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Arm Pit Hair And Period

Apply special effects to our photos on iphone with ColorSplah

ColorSplash app icon

Colorsplash is a very nice photo for lovers of "portable". The software, developed by Hendrick Kueck, can perform some special effects to photos in the gallery from our iphone. Colorsplash uses a process called desaturation to turn your photos in part or entirely in black and white.


The program has a great tutorial to understand how it works. Once that is done by selecting a photo from the gallery or grab a new one with the camera, Colorsplash load the selected image, converting it to black and white.


You can then add a selective color in some areas of the image using one of quattropennelli available: hard-edged, soft-edged , transparent or opaque .
The application offers two display modes: Normal (which shows the image black and white and colored parts) and Red showing all the colored areas of the image in a dull red.
With the Pan & Zoom you can go further in detail to cure the image details.


Colorsplash automatically saves your work in "sessions", then you can always go back to last saved workspace. A very nice that will please all fans of "easy click."

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Centrifuge Cold Pressed

Assassin's Creed Lineage: The Movie.


Hollywood has accustomed us with film products taken from comics and video games (latest example is the recent Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time due out May 28 of 2010 in our country), in which our beloved heroes come to life and face challenges sometimes have already seen or experienced in our hours of play. Less common, however, is that a production company to produce a real video game short film. Assassin's Creed Lineage , however, goes beyond that, leaving the banks of the label of mere product advertising and ended up being a totally new and innovative product, which probably opens a new window on the world of video games, a perfect fusion of cinema and video games. Produced by Hybride Technologies (una casa di produzione di effetti visivi assorbita qualche anno fa dalla Ubisoft), Assassin's Creed Lineage è un vero e proprio film diretto dal regista canadese Yves Simoneau. Canadese anche il cast, nonostante siano stati cercati attori di origini italiane. La storia è un prologo del videogame Assassin's Creed II (in uscita il 20 novembre) e ruota attorno all' Assassino Giovanni Auditore , padre del protagonista del gioco, Ezio. L'intera trama è disponibile su Wikipedia , ma vi consiglio di vedere il film direttamente qui sotto, naturalmente in HD:

The film was developed in parallel to video games and shot in the studio on green screen: the locations have been accurately reproduced from those of the game (obviously with a more photorealistic rendering), as well as in the game have been used the faces and movements of the actors in the film, recorded by motion capture . Between October and November, UbiSoft has released the film in three segments of ten minutes each, then post the complete movie.


The film, along with a behind the scenes video will be broadcast in HD then the next Nov. 19 on Discovery Channel at 22.

Monday, November 16, 2009

An Acrostic Poem About Litter

Build your own online empire with Tribal Wars


or Tribal Wars Tribal Wars is a browser game medieval created by InnoGames in 2006 (original name Die Staemme ) which was administered in Italy, as in other countries, by Gameforge . The situation has changed since 1st March 2009 the date on which InnoGames took under its direct management of all servers and unfortunately for players of various servers, including myself, the new servers are started from scratch with version 5.0 of the game.

This game has a medieval setting where the player must manage a village and create your own army in order to protect themselves and, later in the game, conquer other villages and expand its domain. To play just a browser and a mouse and keyboard, the game is completely free and only if you want to benefit from the organizational point of view you can subscribe. The version 5.0 introduced new features such as the church , the archers and some graphical improvements such as the complete redesign of the village, in short, has taken steps that have made that the game is more online games with the same theme but developed in 2009. The most important is the malus night or that your troops fight with half della forza dalle ore 24:00 alle 7:00 del mattino successivo, introdotta per scoraggiare i fissati del gioco a non dormire per attaccare il vicino di turno che era tra le braccia di Morfeo.

Nel gioco, che è diviso in vari server non comunicanti tra loro chiamati Mondi , vi è la possibilità di fare tribù o di partecipare a tribù già esistenti al fine di organizzare meglio difese ed attacchi coordinati. Le tribù sono per alcuni anche un punto di ritrovo virtuale con gli amici attraverso il forum interno e i messaggi privati che si posso scambiare.

Il villaggio è composto da vari edifici che sono presenti dall’inizio o che vi verranno resi disponibili developing those present below a list with descriptions and features of each:

  • Headquarters: from this building are being built all the other buildings that are used during the game, you can make a custom name to their village. From level 15 onwards you can not demolish buildings that are considered most useful. Maximum building 30
  • Cache: necessary to protect its resources from attacks that you might receive, especially in the early moments of the game, developed to the level where 10 units of 2000 protects every resource
  • Stock: in this building, developing up to level 30 you can store 400,000 of each resource, if developed to its highest level. The higher the level is high and more resources can be stored inside.
  • Iron Mine: used to extract iron useful for any development of the village, more than anything for the troops, highest level of research 30. The higher the level, more resources will be extracted per hour.
  • Lumberjacks: used to extract useful timber for each village development, highest level of research 30. The higher the level, more resources will be extracted per hour.
  • Well clay: clay used to extract useful for each village development, mainly for construction of edifci, highest level of research 30. The higher the level, more resources will be extracted per hour.
  • Farm: every village has a maximum number of inhabitants that can accommodate and the farm is the building that determines this limit, the farm grows more and more people may have. Maximum 30 per 24,000 inhabitants.
  • Walls: a strip of wall defends your village, develop them up to level 20 to give a surplus to the defense of your army is inside you.
  • Smith: here we investigate the various combat units to carry out its army, the higher the level of the blacksmith and several units can be searched.
  • First Church: the first church is a new building, which was introduced only recently in version 5.0 playable in Italy and defines an area around the main village, which means that if you have other villages within this area of \u200b\u200byour troops fight at full strength. If you have villages outside this area but your troops will fight with a penalty that weakens them.
  • Church this church can be built on the villages you have done after the first and allows, through its development up to Level 3 to expand the coverage area and fight at full power.
  • Stalla: qua potete creare le vostre unità di cavalleria come cavalleria leggera, arcieri a cavallo, cavalleria pesante ed esploratori.
  • Caserma: qui si arruolano le unità di fanteria come lancieri, arcieri, spadaccini e guerrieri con ascia.
  • Officina: potete creano arieti e catapulte fondamentali per abbattere le mura nemiche.
  • Mercato: qua potete scambiare risorse con gli altri giocatori, accettando offerte presenti o facendone di vostre.
  • Accademia: edificio dove si possono reclutare nobili, unità molto lenta e debole che serve per conquistare i villaggi abbandonati o altri villaggi nemici dopo aver sterminato troops inside.

addition to the screen of the village have access to a map that will show you your village, your allies, your neighbors where you can mark with different colors to better orient the various villages in the attacks will do. In version 5.0 the map is no longer divided into quadrants marked with + or - but continents K45 K46 and so on is to grow than to diminish. Each village has coordinates, for example (543

Below the legend to better understand the table that describes all units: mapa

-> Attack Power ->

The strength of attack shows just how strong unity in the attack.


-> General Defense ->

The defensive strength indicates that the unit is able to defend themselves against infantry attacks.

attacco -> Defence Cavalry ->

cavalry defense indicates that the unit can defend against the attacks of cavalry.

difesa-gen -> Defense archers ->

defense archers indicates how the unit can defend against attacks from archers and horse archers.

dif-cavall -> Speed \u200b\u200b->

speed indicates how many minutes are in this unit to cross a field on the map.

dif-arcieri -> loot ->

The spoils indicates how many resources can bring back the drive as booty.


The game starts you do not have many buildings that
, only the headquarters of the farm and the warehouse, the first thing dovete sviluppare le miniere, cercando di sviluppare in modo parallelo tutte e tre le risorse (quando avrete più esperienze capirete magari che alcune risorse servono prima di altre, ma tutto dipende dallo stile di gioco). Di pari passo è bene sviluppare nascondiglio e mura per evitare razzie da parte di altri giocatori; si può proseguire il gioco creando fabbro mercato caserma e poi stalla anche se non c’è una guida da seguire come dogma ma vari stili di gioco che vano bene lo stesso. Lo stile aggressivo si prefigge di creare solo truppe d’attacco come asce e poi cavalli leggeri per

razziare i piccoli vicini bottino così da avere uno sviluppo più rapido, uno stile più difensivo punterà invece su arcieri, spade explorers with a layer of walls as fast as possible to 15.

style of defense is to continue going forward in attack often does not pay much

game and I feel discouraged. It 'good to specialize and grow style is not changing too often. Troop recent acquisition of the first worlds for players do not understand much Italian archers on horseback, even if having the heavy cavalry which has a very high cost (more than before) could be coupled in good to light cavalry. Workshop would not recommend for troops in the villages of the catapults attack, replaced by a good number of rams (250 - 300). A fairly detailed guide can be found at this address but the best guide is to read it in game and you have to play.
the game can be found at this address

Friday, November 13, 2009

Linsey Mckenzie Daily Sport

get detailed information about the hardware on your computer with Speccy

Today I want to tell you about a very interesting freeware (for now) for Windows:

Speccy. This nice little program, once started, it provides a clear and detailed list of all hardware components contained in our homes (or laptop it is). With an extremely simple interface you can learn in a superficial way our songs (only the brand and model) or by clicking on one of the categories at hand, so through a relationship apporofndito. The program also lets us know many details real-time variables such as temperature, so you can monitor the potential for possible signs of problems.

short, a good "window" in our car a look at Device Manager For those Windows 7: quiet, the program is fully compatible.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why Am I Eyes So Puffy

Crazy ideas: Detecting Secret Knock Door Lock

With this new article I want to inaugurate a new section in my blog that make you smile most of you from time to time, surfing the web or reading newspapers, they ran into strambalate inventions that apparently serve no purpose, but in practice you do not need anything at all! As a title for this little book in my small and humble blog if

crazy ideas?

Vagando nel web mi sono imbattuto nel blog dell'inventore Steve Hoefer , padre del Secret Knock Detecting Door Lock . Tutti si domanderanno a cosa serve questo oggetto (foto a lato) composto da fili, led, ventose, ecc. Chi da piccolo, giocando con i propri amici, non utilizzava codici segreti, alfabeti inventati e parole d'ordine? Questo piccolo oggetto dall'anima per metà italiana (la piattaforma hardware utilizzata è

) e metà americana an audio decoder that is connected to the back of a door, through a microphone, the code incorporates sound, previously recorded data of the shots at the door; hardware analyzes the sound data and, if it matches the secret code, it sends a pulse a motor that opens (magically) the door. The inventor has made a video explaining much to present the prototype

In short, the stuff of James Bond experienced. If you want to follow developments and progress of Steve Hoefer can add up

Twitter or Facebook . the next crazy idea!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Free Mobile Kates Playground

Obama tells the world the existence of UFOs

rumor, a bit 'of time (he also speaks Corriere della Sera ) that the U.S. president Obama, 27 November next, will reveal the existence of aliens and had relationships in between our past and their culture:

" "

writes Flavio Vanetti, indicating a source as " recent conference Exopolitics Spain ". The echo in many, such as UFO-
ufology and other smaller sites. We are certainly all on tenterhooks for this incredible news that the extraordinary ... but what is the source of the news? Certainly not the White House. It 'an oracle of the Internet, but not a human being (and not an alien) is a robot, or rather, a Web Bot

, ie an automated program, explains UFO-like Blogger.com

The Web Bot Project is a program that according to its creators, Clif High and George Ure of

Halfpasthuman.com , would be able to predict events using targeted search Internet: go hunting for about 300,000 words that have an emotional context and stores the words immediately surrounding those three hundred thousand. In this way, it is said, the software will draw to the 'collective unconscious "of the network and therefore would be able to predict disasters and major events. work? Not very well, it seems, but maybe it's better that way, given that predicts mostly disasters. For example, had planned for November 5th (yesterday) a war of Pakistan and Iran against Israel and then also bring up North Korea, and I think he messed. More generally, the times that claims to have guessed that his predictions were more vague than a guy on television.

will remain, therefore, disappointed fans of ET and Star Trek to know that the only certain alien races to date are only those of the most famous movies and TV series. Surely we are not alone in the universe, but until that day when we will not know the truth (and we finally see some footage shot with a steady hand), the only certain words that will ring in our minds will be: "Mr. Spock, teleportation ".