Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why Am I Eyes So Puffy

Crazy ideas: Detecting Secret Knock Door Lock

With this new article I want to inaugurate a new section in my blog that make you smile most of you from time to time, surfing the web or reading newspapers, they ran into strambalate inventions that apparently serve no purpose, but in practice you do not need anything at all! As a title for this little book in my small and humble blog if

crazy ideas?

Vagando nel web mi sono imbattuto nel blog dell'inventore Steve Hoefer , padre del Secret Knock Detecting Door Lock . Tutti si domanderanno a cosa serve questo oggetto (foto a lato) composto da fili, led, ventose, ecc. Chi da piccolo, giocando con i propri amici, non utilizzava codici segreti, alfabeti inventati e parole d'ordine? Questo piccolo oggetto dall'anima per metà italiana (la piattaforma hardware utilizzata è

) e metà americana an audio decoder that is connected to the back of a door, through a microphone, the code incorporates sound, previously recorded data of the shots at the door; hardware analyzes the sound data and, if it matches the secret code, it sends a pulse a motor that opens (magically) the door. The inventor has made a video explaining much to present the prototype

In short, the stuff of James Bond experienced. If you want to follow developments and progress of Steve Hoefer can add up

Twitter or Facebook . the next crazy idea!


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