Monday, November 16, 2009

An Acrostic Poem About Litter

Build your own online empire with Tribal Wars


or Tribal Wars Tribal Wars is a browser game medieval created by InnoGames in 2006 (original name Die Staemme ) which was administered in Italy, as in other countries, by Gameforge . The situation has changed since 1st March 2009 the date on which InnoGames took under its direct management of all servers and unfortunately for players of various servers, including myself, the new servers are started from scratch with version 5.0 of the game.

This game has a medieval setting where the player must manage a village and create your own army in order to protect themselves and, later in the game, conquer other villages and expand its domain. To play just a browser and a mouse and keyboard, the game is completely free and only if you want to benefit from the organizational point of view you can subscribe. The version 5.0 introduced new features such as the church , the archers and some graphical improvements such as the complete redesign of the village, in short, has taken steps that have made that the game is more online games with the same theme but developed in 2009. The most important is the malus night or that your troops fight with half della forza dalle ore 24:00 alle 7:00 del mattino successivo, introdotta per scoraggiare i fissati del gioco a non dormire per attaccare il vicino di turno che era tra le braccia di Morfeo.

Nel gioco, che è diviso in vari server non comunicanti tra loro chiamati Mondi , vi è la possibilità di fare tribù o di partecipare a tribù già esistenti al fine di organizzare meglio difese ed attacchi coordinati. Le tribù sono per alcuni anche un punto di ritrovo virtuale con gli amici attraverso il forum interno e i messaggi privati che si posso scambiare.

Il villaggio è composto da vari edifici che sono presenti dall’inizio o che vi verranno resi disponibili developing those present below a list with descriptions and features of each:

  • Headquarters: from this building are being built all the other buildings that are used during the game, you can make a custom name to their village. From level 15 onwards you can not demolish buildings that are considered most useful. Maximum building 30
  • Cache: necessary to protect its resources from attacks that you might receive, especially in the early moments of the game, developed to the level where 10 units of 2000 protects every resource
  • Stock: in this building, developing up to level 30 you can store 400,000 of each resource, if developed to its highest level. The higher the level is high and more resources can be stored inside.
  • Iron Mine: used to extract iron useful for any development of the village, more than anything for the troops, highest level of research 30. The higher the level, more resources will be extracted per hour.
  • Lumberjacks: used to extract useful timber for each village development, highest level of research 30. The higher the level, more resources will be extracted per hour.
  • Well clay: clay used to extract useful for each village development, mainly for construction of edifci, highest level of research 30. The higher the level, more resources will be extracted per hour.
  • Farm: every village has a maximum number of inhabitants that can accommodate and the farm is the building that determines this limit, the farm grows more and more people may have. Maximum 30 per 24,000 inhabitants.
  • Walls: a strip of wall defends your village, develop them up to level 20 to give a surplus to the defense of your army is inside you.
  • Smith: here we investigate the various combat units to carry out its army, the higher the level of the blacksmith and several units can be searched.
  • First Church: the first church is a new building, which was introduced only recently in version 5.0 playable in Italy and defines an area around the main village, which means that if you have other villages within this area of \u200b\u200byour troops fight at full strength. If you have villages outside this area but your troops will fight with a penalty that weakens them.
  • Church this church can be built on the villages you have done after the first and allows, through its development up to Level 3 to expand the coverage area and fight at full power.
  • Stalla: qua potete creare le vostre unità di cavalleria come cavalleria leggera, arcieri a cavallo, cavalleria pesante ed esploratori.
  • Caserma: qui si arruolano le unità di fanteria come lancieri, arcieri, spadaccini e guerrieri con ascia.
  • Officina: potete creano arieti e catapulte fondamentali per abbattere le mura nemiche.
  • Mercato: qua potete scambiare risorse con gli altri giocatori, accettando offerte presenti o facendone di vostre.
  • Accademia: edificio dove si possono reclutare nobili, unità molto lenta e debole che serve per conquistare i villaggi abbandonati o altri villaggi nemici dopo aver sterminato troops inside.

addition to the screen of the village have access to a map that will show you your village, your allies, your neighbors where you can mark with different colors to better orient the various villages in the attacks will do. In version 5.0 the map is no longer divided into quadrants marked with + or - but continents K45 K46 and so on is to grow than to diminish. Each village has coordinates, for example (543

Below the legend to better understand the table that describes all units: mapa

-> Attack Power ->

The strength of attack shows just how strong unity in the attack.


-> General Defense ->

The defensive strength indicates that the unit is able to defend themselves against infantry attacks.

attacco -> Defence Cavalry ->

cavalry defense indicates that the unit can defend against the attacks of cavalry.

difesa-gen -> Defense archers ->

defense archers indicates how the unit can defend against attacks from archers and horse archers.

dif-cavall -> Speed \u200b\u200b->

speed indicates how many minutes are in this unit to cross a field on the map.

dif-arcieri -> loot ->

The spoils indicates how many resources can bring back the drive as booty.


The game starts you do not have many buildings that
, only the headquarters of the farm and the warehouse, the first thing dovete sviluppare le miniere, cercando di sviluppare in modo parallelo tutte e tre le risorse (quando avrete più esperienze capirete magari che alcune risorse servono prima di altre, ma tutto dipende dallo stile di gioco). Di pari passo è bene sviluppare nascondiglio e mura per evitare razzie da parte di altri giocatori; si può proseguire il gioco creando fabbro mercato caserma e poi stalla anche se non c’è una guida da seguire come dogma ma vari stili di gioco che vano bene lo stesso. Lo stile aggressivo si prefigge di creare solo truppe d’attacco come asce e poi cavalli leggeri per

razziare i piccoli vicini bottino così da avere uno sviluppo più rapido, uno stile più difensivo punterà invece su arcieri, spade explorers with a layer of walls as fast as possible to 15.

style of defense is to continue going forward in attack often does not pay much

game and I feel discouraged. It 'good to specialize and grow style is not changing too often. Troop recent acquisition of the first worlds for players do not understand much Italian archers on horseback, even if having the heavy cavalry which has a very high cost (more than before) could be coupled in good to light cavalry. Workshop would not recommend for troops in the villages of the catapults attack, replaced by a good number of rams (250 - 300). A fairly detailed guide can be found at this address but the best guide is to read it in game and you have to play.
the game can be found at this address


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